I would think that the idea is to support both the...
# core
I would think that the idea is to support both the "quick glance to see if it's worth updating" and also "let's look if my specific issue has been fixed"
“See if my issue is resolved” is better handled by github. It is where we track them
But "with my issue" I don't mean a Github issue. I might've had a problem and not opened an issue. Sure you could search through the issues, but the changelog is condensed and often we rewrite titles to be more meaningful for someone that has to understand in somewhat more "layman terms", what that PR is about.
So it's easier to check the chnagelog if we do that, than scour through Github issues, I personally find Github issues more a technical tool for us, than to present some sort of summary, for public use.
I don’t think there’s an obvious answer. A changelog that enumerates everything is too hard to read/absorb. A changelog that overly summerizes is likely to scant.
Which makes me think about search engines as the primary consumer.
If someone wants to be able to resolve “I had an issue with table XXX” how do they answer that? * search google? * search github issues/prs? * search stackoverflow? * search the changelog? I think that’s the order I try in software projects.
I'm thinking of multiple use cases and the question you have. • If I'm not too far behind the last release and I just want to resolve the issue, I want to look at changelogs to know if it's worth updating. Then I look for possible workarounds or discussion on the topic if it doesn't seem that the latest release resolves the issue. • If I happen to have a generic issue that pops up and I want to find a resolution for it, again it depends how far from the latest release I'm. If I'm near, I would always first look at the changelog, and only after google search (because a search engine would add a ton of noise anyway...) • If I'm far from the latest release AND I don't want to update, then I'm looking for a workaround.. so google search or search through issues to find the possible discussion around it is the way to go
I also think that SO, Google Search etc is for "is this really an issue or I'm doing something wrong?"
I want to cover those. Then don't get me wrong, I'm all for making a summary for, I don't know.. various fixes to tests for instance. Or if there's a specific theme around different fixes, but I would think of not hiding resolutions to issues that one could realistically search.
I dunno? That doesn’t really help me think about it. Partly, I know that changelogs are written by humans, and I don’t really trust them to be accurate. I see them as signaling what the maintainers want to call out. Or they’re really noisy.
This may also depends on whether one is a developer, or something else. I suspect you live closer to the code than I do. And this probably shifts how we consume this.
(I’m about to vanish into the day, but thank you for brainstorming with me)
Thank you too!