I know that osqueryd and osqueryi do not interact ...
# core
I know that osqueryd and osqueryi do not interact with one another (like watchdog can't kill osqueryi if it's running a performance heavy query). However, do the two share the RocksDB embedded database? I ask because we have
select * from osquery_schedule;
as a scheduled query and can see the results being returned in elasticsearch but if we try to do that query in
the fields are zeroed out.
They do not share the RocksDB database. Only one process may have RocksDB open at one time.
Sometimes it can be useful to stop osqueryd and connect osqueryi to the database. Then you can select against the event based tables and see what is in there.
I figured this might be the case. We have events disabled but does osquery not store the metrics for
in the database?
^ We connected osqueryi to the osqueryd database and still empty table. it isn't urgent but definitely making us scratch our heads a little
When you start osqueryi there will be no schedule. I'm not sure there's a good way to look at the
table besides as a scheduled query or a live query against a running osqueryd.
Yeah. I understand what it's doing now after Seph said it's keeping the metrics in memory and then I went through and read some of the code in the repo. Makes sense! Thank you!
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