Hi, I'm wondering if its possible to retrieve the...
# general
Hi, I'm wondering if its possible to retrieve the hardware model of an endpoint in a user friendly way. When querying system_info the column hardware_model often contains a cryptic number / name, e.g. my Lenovo laptop is of hardware_model 20Y1CTO1WW. The user friendly name for it is "ThinkPad P14s Gen1". Windows provides this information under Syteminformation, but I can not find it in osquery. Any ideas? Thanks.
Btw, for some other vendors, such as HP, hardware_model is more user friendly. One idea to overcome this, was to provide a table within the query resolving Lenovo's models to its brand names, however I'm not sure, how to do this. Is this possible with a WITH statement?
@tokcum if you are running Kolide's Launcher agent you can retrieve this information using the WMI passthrough table.
@fritz, thank you. Kolide's launcher agent has a lot of additional tables, including WMI. I wasn't aware of this. Follow Up question: How can I leverage this capability in a fleetdm environment?
That is a question for the #fleet team, I am not sure if you can run launcher with fleetdm or if you need to use their Orbit agent.