Is there a way to use a previous hosted zone in Ro...
# fleet
Is there a way to use a previous hosted zone in Route 53 for the terraform build? Running
terraform apply
creates a new hosted zone for us but we already have one with a cert provided by ACM. I am following the guide here:
Hey! I think the best way is to clone the terraform and make edits. Sounds like you could introduce your cert as a data block and reference it in the load balancer. That would give you the ability to remove (read delete) the resources that do the cert provisioning, ie ACM and R53 via DNS validation.
Thank you! My only question is that I have tried a similar approach but the issue is that the ACM won't validate our domain under that hosted zone
If you already have a cert imported into ACM then why do you need to do validation?
Sorry I didn't explain last message well. We have a hosted zone but are adding another record into it. And that record that we are creating is what is not being validated by ACM
I'm away from keyboard at the moment but as first steps you have confirmed domain authority has been passed onto this new Zone? For example check out this blog
I think that's the step we are stuck on! Thanks. I can try to work out this issue from here