4.1.1 test packages for macOS and Windows
# core
4.1.1 test packages for macOS and Windows
@seph, when you have a moment later this week, would you mind re-testing this pkg on 10.11?
I’ll try to get it tomorrow!
macOS package works in basic testing of osqueryi and osqueryd on 10.14.6 for me
10.11 is notable, given our earlier sdk issues. But I can’t test that from home. I’ll check it tomorrow.
@thor how does this MSI look?
Can test today/tonight, will let you know
👍 1
@theopolis looks good for the most part. Agent drops and data is flowing. There's two issues I spotted with the MSI installation that might merrit follow-up, but I don't think they're show stoppers and should be easy fixes.
* Install path was attempting to install to my
drive. This is a valid drive, but not my primary. * License messaging looks kinda messed up, markdown but not sure that's something WiX can support * Versions look good, service is running:
Copy code
PS C:\Users\Nicholas> & 'C:\Program Files\osquery\osqueryi.exe' --version
osqueryi.exe version 4.1.1
PS C:\Users\Nicholas> & 'C:\Program Files\osquery\osqueryd\osqueryd.exe' --version
osqueryd.exe version 4.1.1
PS C:\Users\Nicholas> get-service osqueryd

Status   Name               DisplayName
------   ----               -----------
Running  osqueryd           osqueryd
Logs from tonight are rolling in:
Copy code
PS C:\Users\Nicholas> ls 'C:\Program Files\osquery\log\'

    Directory: C:\Program Files\osquery\log

-a----       11/20/2019   8:13 PM            259 <http://osqueryd.INFO|osqueryd.INFO>.20191120-201321.14152
-a----        8/18/2019   9:29 PM              0 osqueryd.results.log
Ah, nice follow ups, thanks for testing
Can you generate a signed MSI the way you had been making them? (Assuming that method does not have these UX issues)
Or if the issues are nbd, is it possible to sign that MSI?
Yeah lemme rest generating one with my scripts and see if it’s got the same problems, if it does I’ll just sign yours, but I’ll reshot the signed packages here? Or do you want them in S3?
Good q, I was going to start staging in S3. But I’m not going to publish the repos yet
Ok. I'm having some issues getting a clean copy of osquery building, so working on that now and hoping to have something built tonight 🤞
Ok, looks like it might've been network related or something, it's working now. @theopolis I'll have a clean build up here in a bit. I'm at home with baby though so I might not be able to get it fully built, tested, and signed until tonight. Will ping you when I've got it
baby? Congratulations! I hope you’re getting some sleep. 🙂
@seph yeah she's almost 2 now 🙂 not really a baby though we call her that. We're contemplating baby #2 but that hasn't happened yet.
My wife is away on travel so its me and kiddo for the weekend 🙂
ah much less of a sleep sucking infant than. But still, happy :)
👍 1
(mine is 4, so.. yeah)
😮 1
no rush whatsoever!
Alright, here we go. Built, tested, and signed. These are working with my local osquery configurations and have passed all tests on build.
Lemme know when you're ready to ship. i can upload to S3, and I'll also push the choco package to the upstream Chocolatey repos.
I've also uploaded both to S3. Bins have been running all night and look good on my system
As soon as we tag stable I'll upload to Chocolatey also