Hey yall I got a question, I keep on getting this ...
# fleet
Hey yall I got a question, I keep on getting this error message anytime I try to add an arbitrary client to the main server.
Copy code
W0528 16:25:28.241241 12361 tls_enroll.cpp:101] Failed enrollment request to <https://fleet.freddyal.com:443/api/osquery/enroll> (Request error: Failed to connect to <http://fleet.freddyal.com:443|fleet.freddyal.com:443>: Connection timed out) retrying...
Is it not meant to be /api/v1/osquery ??? Looks like you’re missing the v1 in the url
Is it because your https certificate is invalid?
Clients do not connect to insecure connections.
Nah that just means it's self signed and they should be supplying fleet.pem to the clients to trust it
It was my ssl cert giving me issues. One thing I know is that you have to convert an ssl from a pem to crt type . Like those for letsencrypt are a good example