It seems like it's been developed in a private bra...
# core
It seems like it's been developed in a private branch that is not visible; we recently started tracking the changes in the whole Buck project and it would be nice to follow development
I'm working on preparing the commit(s). I'll try to break it down as much as I can but it's proving very hard to do. However this is going to be the only aggregated commit we're doing. After this will start committing everything as single commits.
While it would be nice to refactor the current 2 available commits on experimental to make it easier to everyone to rebase their branches, I was talking about the next commit(s) that will add Windows support. As I have already went through nearly all of the new Buck files that have been introduced, it would be nice to have incremental changes at least from now on if it's not too troublesome
Oh I see, I prefer to have "clean" commits on experimental branch (which will become master eventually) but to make your life easier I can push another branch temporarily with current commits plus another commit for the windows changes that will be integrated now on experimental, so that you'll at least be able to see what changed since. Would that help?
👍 1
Yes! if it is possible, I'd appreciate it! Thanks!
👍 1
I pushed a branch called temporary that contains an incremental commit on top of the previous 2 commits on experimental. I'll remove this eventually but no rush. Let me know once you're done with it.