Folks on the TSC/TAB, can you comment or DM me you...
# foundation
Folks on the TSC/TAB, can you comment or DM me your readthedocs usernames and I'll grand maintainer access
On RTD, @mike.myers.tob and stefano.bonicatti
I am @seph there
Hey @Mike Myers, I'd like to keep admin access to just the TSC right now. Unless there was discussion in an office hours to delegate the management of RTD to others?
👍 1
And at the same time I'm happy to make any changes on RTD. I haven't had to make any for years so I don't expect this to be a taxing responsibility.
+seph +zwass confirmed
Delegation was not discussed.
I added readthedocs to a not-yet-committed note I have of process stuff.
Also, I can confirm I seem to have admin access.