There's a request in place to give you AWS creds, ...
# arm-architecture
There's a request in place to give you AWS creds, @seph what's the status ?
Ping again here, were we able to get credits? I know you have a lot going on @seph so no worries if this needed to be picked up again next year.
Ah I see we have some credits (from reading past meeting notes) and looks like a good solution for handling the agent management.
We have credits, which we are rapidly consuming with the CDN usage. (Though at an absolute scale, we can float these costs)
I have email into Fastly about whether they’ll cover our CDN costs, But they’re not answering, so I might go ping cloudflare.
I keep staring at aarch64, and feeling lost in the weeds. There some weird security implications around the azure or github agent on infra.
I read through the EnvoyProxy quickly and I feel comfortable with how that orchestration works. What I do not yet understand is how we would maintain that setup as code (tf) but @CptOfEvilMinions was helping us along a bit. Maybe we can delegate this setup to Ben?
I can go through the EnvoyProxy set up on my own AWS account and use free tier machines to build the end-to-end picture for myself over the next two weeks.
I can assist with TF
Also, AWS provides research grants and if accepted you will be provided AWS credit. I have done the process is before and I have been accepted several times.
@CptOfEvilMinions do you more or less grok the explanation from I think we'll want to tee up this work in Jan or Feb.
My other pretty vague concern, is that I kinda want to take that work and shift it to github actions. But mostly, azure makes me cry
I am optimistic that GitHub actions will improve the rough edges and I also think it's the best solution long term. If we do want to make the commitment to migrate we should do that before any ARM64 work
@theopolis just to ensure I understand the request. The request is about setting up Envoy’s publicly released CI pipeline and not setting up Envoy?
well if we switch to GH actions then the request would be something like: can we mimic what Envoy does only using GH actions agents. The appealing thing in that linked repo is the ephemeral VMs.
@theopolis and @seph I have some questions about the current state of the CI pipeline and deliverables. Can we set up a Zoom call sometime this week or in the new year to discuss these?
I'm happy to chat! Not sure who else we might need. I'm generally available 1pm-5pm eastern time. (With a couple of meeting carveouts)
Hi Folks ! Happy new year ...
been away from this channel for a while, are we good or do I need to do more to help ? I have a few people poking me about getting 4.6 for arm 🙂