Hi folks,I ran into this problem when I was config...
# fleet
Hi folks,I ran into this problem when I was configuring
OS:Centos 7.9 docker:20.10.11 fleetctl:4.8.0
hi there, what's the output of
./fleetctl --version
fleetctl - version 4.8.0 branch: HEAD revision: 09654d77eedbf9ed181bc8188a3d2be0324b29a5 build date: 2021-12-31 build user: runner go version: go1.17.2
oh, I see what's going on,
is a fleet serve config, you cannot change that with fleetctl apply
in the same place you set how to connect to mysql, you would set that
All right, thank you.
I have another question about software vulnerable I realized I didn't detect the vulnerability I have read the official document, but I am still not quite clear about the mechanism of vulnerability inspection
vulnerability checks run once per hour, could you share debug logs for fleet serve so that we can double check everything is correct and running? it certainly looks like it from the screenshots you've posted
logs might help shed some light as to what might be happening
Hello, I have been reporting this error in the status log {"hostIdentifier":"CF9F00C5-9913-4EDF-96A3-4BA0E1355123","calendarTime":"Tue Jan 25 040418 2022 UTC","unixTime":"1643083458","severity":"2","filename":"distributed.cpp","line":"131","message":"Error executing distributed query: fleet_detail_query_mdm: no such table: mdm","version":"5.0.1","decorations":{"host_uuid":"CF9F00C5-9913-4EDF-96A3-4BA0E1355123","hostname":"hwcloud-bj4-7-infosec-wlan-scan02-5259.jpushoa.com"}} {"hostIdentifier":"CF9F00C5-9913-4EDF-96A3-4BA0E1355123","calendarTime":"Tue Jan 25 040418 2022 UTC","unixTime":"1643083458","severity":"2","filename":"distributed.cpp","line":"131","message":"Error executing distributed query: fleet_detail_query_munki_info: no such table: munki_info","version":"5.0.1","decorations":{"host_uuid":"CF9F00C5-9913-4EDF-96A3-4BA0E1355123","hostname":"hwcloud-bj4-7-infosec-wlan-scan02-5259.jpushoa.com"}} I don't know what this table:"mdm" and "munki_info"
hi! Is that causing you any issues? Otherwise, it can be ignored. Fleet checks for mdm and munki info, if the table is not available, it properly handles that case.
Ok, I'm going to ignore him
As for the log you mentioned that requires vulnerability debugging, may I ask where I can get this log?