hello and good morning I installed fleet on ubuntu...
# fleet
hello and good morning I installed fleet on ubuntu version 3.5.1, I have my main server that has the MySQL DB, Redis, and the fleet service. right after I installed it I made another server with only the service on him to help the main server reduce the CPU usage and still running a simple query on 8,000 hosts won't work. I have another 2 servers with the fleet service on them but when I run a query on the 8,000 hosts I see that only the 2 first servers are being used (the CPU usage is increased). can someone help me with how to make the 2 other servers help the main and the second one with the load? thanks and have a nice day.
and if someone have a document aboput how to put it behind a load balancer i will be more than happy
Are you trying to run fleet version
? We suggest running the latest version:
i know this document but i didnt found somthing there that can tell me how to put him behind the LB