fleetctl login with SSO doesn't seem to work. As I...
# fleet
fleetctl login with SSO doesn't seem to work. As I do not get any error whatsoever... 😕 No clue where do look It was working once yesterday, donno what happened. Login via Browser & SSO works w/o any problem
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fleetctl config set --token <redacted> --email <redacted>
fleetctl config set --address https://<redacted>
fleetctl login
Log in using the standard Fleet credentials.
Email: (...)

Instead of being logged in directly

.fleet/config in userdir exists

root@admin:~# ls -la .fleet
total 12
drwx------  2 root root 4096 Dec 12 15:53 .
drwx------ 32 root root 4096 Dec 12 15:53 ..
-rw-------  1 root root  253 Dec 12 15:53 config
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root@admin:~# cat .fleet/config 
    address: https://<redacted>
    email: <redacted>
    rootca: ""
    tls-skip-verify: false
    token: <redacted>
    url-prefix: ""
Ah, you need to copy the token from the My Account page when you're using SSO. That token will expire when the session expires (default 4 hours, but configurable.
Yeah, I got the new token from the "My Account" page just right now. Not working 😞
I even logged out, logged back in and got the newly created token - same problem. The token definitely changed
Even with --debug no error or similar is showing up
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root@fleetdm:~# fleetctl login --debug
Log in using the standard Fleet credentials.
I did not say that I used the login command to set the token?
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root@fleetdm:~# fleetctl config set --token <redacted>
[+] Set the token config key to "<redacted>" in the "default" context
root@fleetdm:~# fleetctl login --debug
Log in using the standard Fleet credentials.
Once you set the token, can you try a command that will hit the server such as
fleetctl get config
Working fine.. wow!
Shouldn't I be able to use the login command? Or maybe it should tell me "you dont need the login command, because you've setup a token"?