Hey fleet team :wave: I am trying fleet-desktop o...
# fleet
Hey fleet team 👋 I am trying fleet-desktop on a macOS device. The app is stuck on connecting, so I used the cleanup script and reinstalled everything, but it is still not working. Here is the error after the installation:
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/opt/orbit/bin/desktop/macos/stable/Fleet\ <http://Desktop.app/Contents/MacOS/fleet-desktop|Desktop.app/Contents/MacOS/fleet-desktop> 
2022-10-25T15:44:51+02:00 INF fleet-desktop version=1.3.1
2022-10-25T15:44:51+02:00 FTL missing URL environment FLEET_DESKTOP_DEVICE_IDENTIFIER_PATH
Any idea on why I am having this issue? Thanks in advance.
Hi, @Anthony M! Can you check the Orbit logs as well to see if there are any errors there? /private/var/log/orbit/orbit.std{out|err}.log
how are you starting fleet desktop? the app is currently meant to be run by Orbit, which will generate and provide the right environment variables (
being one of them)
Thank you both for helping. @Kathy Satterlee I have nothing in stdout and i have this in stderr
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2022-10-26T18:22:21+02:00 INF calling flags update
2022-10-26T18:22:51+02:00 INF calling flags update
@roberto fleet desktop started automatically after the installation.
Apparently it's not started by orbit 🤔
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pstree | grep orbit  
 |     \--- 58874 anthony grep orbit
 |--= 57591 anthony /opt/orbit/bin/desktop/macos/stable/Fleet <http://Desktop.app/Contents/MacOS/fleet-desktop|Desktop.app/Contents/MacOS/fleet-desktop>
 |-+= 92875 root /opt/orbit/bin/orbit/orbit
 | \-+- 92900 root /opt/orbit/bin/osqueryd/macos-app/stable/osquery.app/Contents/MacOS/osqueryd -<REDACTED>
 |   \--- 92901 root /opt/orbit/bin/osqueryd/macos-app/stable/osquery.app/Contents/MacOS/osqueryd
in the first snippet you sent I can see you started a fleet desktop process on your own, maybe there's something about that? to debug I would make sure to terminate all fleet desktop processes, then
sudo killall orbit
to force Orbit to restart and see what happens
I started fleet desktop on my own to look why it was not working. So I did it while fleet desktop was already running as on the screenshot. I just did what you said. fleet-desktop restarted by itself but it is still stuck on connecting
Are you seeing the same error now that Desktop was started by Orbit?
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2022-10-26T19:41:57+02:00 DBG successfully refetched the token from disk
2022-10-26T19:41:57+02:00 ERR get device URL error="decode GET /api/latest/fleet/device/REDACTED/desktop response: json: cannot unmarshal object into Go struct field fleetDesktopResponse.error of type error"
it's the exact same error yes
thanks Anthony, do you mind sharing what version of Fleet are you using?
Fleet 4.21.0 • Go go1.19.1
Fleet Desktop v.1.3.1
thank you! I just submitted a PR, the fix is in the Fleet Server, I will let you know as soon as I know we're releasing a fix https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet/pull/8457
Awesome, many thanks!
The patch is out: https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet/releases/tag/fleet-v4.22.1 Please let us know if this resolves the issue for you.
Resolved it for us
Hey, sorry I was on holiday. It's also working for me now. Thank you for this. Last question, what is the difference between fleet desktop free and premium? Is the policy failing information only available for premium?
That's great! For Free instances, Fleet Desktop includes the
My Device
Links. With Premium, you have notifications for failing policies and the ability to provide a custom landing page for
Thank you for the info 👍
Any time.