Hi, previously it was possible to have server logs...
# fleet
Hi, previously it was possible to have server logs of user actions in the UI (login, making query, changing packs, etc.), these were shown in Fleet service stdout. For example:
Copy code
  "component": "service",
  "err": null,
  "method": "NewQuery",
  "name": "hvhgvghvgh",
  "sql": "SELECT * FROM osquery_info",
  "took": "4.327208ms",
  "ts": "2020-02-05T15:19:07.729088806Z",
  "user": "jean"
However, I cannot see them anymore, did something changed in more recent versions? 🙄 or maybe I’m missing some configuration…
hi! we did change how we are handling logging, but the change is intended to be backwards compatible. What version of fleet are you running?
well, not 100% backwards compatible, since we are logging most things with component=http now
but you shouldn't lose any information
mmh, is there any configuration required?
I’m using logging: debug:true and cannot find “NewQuery”-like message in the logs =/
I’m running with fleet 4.2.4
previously I was using a v3
I guess you mean the code that was in, for example, https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet/blob/3.13.0/server/service/logging_queries.go was replaced
if you're looking for "NewQuery", yes, that is not there anymore. We are logging the endpoint called along with the metadata
you mean something like this?
Copy code
    "hostIdentifier": "xxx",
    "calendarTime": "Mon Sep  6 16:29:23 2021 UTC",
    "unixTime": "1630945763",
    "severity": "0",
    "filename": "distributed.cpp",
    "line": "121",
    "message": "Executing distributed query: fleet_distributed_query_1990: SELECT * FROM socket_events WHERE remote_address = \"\";",
    "version": "4.7.0",
that looks like a osquery log, the log you mentioned above and the ones I was mentioning changed are fleet serve logs
oh found it… 😅 ! many thanks, I just have to account the small change
Copy code
  "component": "http",
  "level": "info",
  "method": "POST",
  "numHosts": 1,
  "query_id": null,
  "sql": "SELECT * FROM osquery_info",
  "took": "43.706372ms",
  "ts": "2021-09-10T18:35:42.909882382Z",
  "uri": "/api/v1/fleet/queries/run",
  "user": "jean"
👍 2