Also how to run the `go run ./cmd/package --type=...
# fleet
Also how to run the
go run ./cmd/package --type=msi --enroll-secret=2exkBvZ6k4S+949LpNo7dKlGFjlqHWRS --fleet-url=<> --update-url=<http://localhost:8000> --update-roots='[{"keytype":"ed25519","scheme":"ed25519","keyid_hash_algorithms":["sha256","sha512"],"keyval":{"public":"d9facef058990d77fec014278de4f2d1d31a244707bd360b29ecb02b0536474d"}}]' --insecure
←[90m2021-09-09T183621+05:30←[0m ←[1m←[31mFTL←[0m←[0m package failed ←[31merror=←[0m←[31m"initialize updates: failed to init updater: unmarshal root keys: invalid character 'k' looking for beginning of object key string"←[0m exit status 1 I get this error on Windows.
Have you tried the original order of parameters from the docs?
Copy code
go run ./cmd/package --type=pkg --fleet-url=localhost:8412 --insecure --enroll-secret=YOUR_FLEET_ENROLL_SECRET_HERE
but i want it with update server as well, like the build on Windows
and run there, I want to test auto updation for windows.
I understand. I am checking to see if you placed the parameters in the order given by the docs? So for your example, have you tried this command in this explicit order:
Copy code
go run ./cmd/package --type=msi --fleet-url=<> --insecure --enroll-secret=2exkBvZ6k4S+949LpNo7dKlGFjlqHWRS --update-url=<http://localhost:8000> --update-roots='[{"keytype":"ed25519","scheme":"ed25519","keyid_hash_algorithms":["sha256","sha512"],"keyval":{"public":"d9facef058990d77fec014278de4f2d1d31a244707bd360b29ecb02b0536474d"}}]'
If that doesn't work, I would check the JSON
but if I am not wrong, orbit isn't supported in Windows or is it?