Hello all, quick question, I am trying to download...
# fleet
Hello all, quick question, I am trying to download the CPE db but I need to set a proxy in fleet to download the files. I tried setting it in
and I can successfully use proxy on the command line but fleet does not seem to respect it. Seeing this error:
Copy code
Sep 03 14:12:39 fleet[18823]: {"component":"crons","cron":"vulnerabilities","err":"sync cpe db: Get \"<https://api.github.com/repos/fleetdm/nvd/releases?per_page=1>\": dial tcp connect: connection refused","level":"e
Sep 03 15:00:44 fleet[18823]: [mysql] 2021/09/03 15:00:44 packets.go:122: closing bad idle connection: EOF
Sep 03 15:00:44 fleet[18823]: [mysql] 2021/09/03 15:00:44 connection.go:158: driver: bad connection
hi! we don't currently support downloading through proxy. There are tricks you can do, but it's not necessarily super straight forward
Hey @Tomas Touceda I hoped it was a feature I did not find yet but not an option at the moment. Is there a way that I can like download the data myself that fleet can use it or what other options do I have?
that's not currently possible. Your options are to create a server that serves whatever files you want and it downloads from there instead. But the nature of the vulnerabilities dbs is that it's updated constantly, so we need to be able to keep things up to date
I was hoping on an easier solution, really wanted to try out the vuln settings. Is adding proxy support on the roadmap? For large corporations I think it would be benefitial.
we can add a proxy, it's not currently in the roadmap I don't think, but it can be added, please create a feature request: https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet/issues/new?assignees=&amp;labels=idea&amp;template=feature-request.md&amp;title= and we can see about schedule that asap
Will do, thanks
👍 1
great, thank you!