Hey Folks, beginner here. I'm getting the followin...
# fleet
Hey Folks, beginner here. I'm getting the following error: sudo fleetctl preview Downloading dependencies into /root/.fleet/preview... Pulling Docker dependencies... Invalid interpolation format for “fleet01” option in service “services”: “fleetdm/fleet:${FLEET_VERSION:-latest}”
What version of docker & docker compose are you running?
Hi Ben: docker v. 20.10.8 docker-compose v. 1.25.0
I am on Ubuntu, and just pulled main. Docker:
Docker version 20.10.7, build f0df35096d
Docker Compose
docker-compose version 1.29.2
and running `fleetctl preview`:
Copy code
fleetctl preview
Downloading dependencies into /home/ben/.fleet/preview...
Pulling Docker dependencies...
Starting Docker containers...
Waiting for server to start up...
Initializing server...
Fleet UI is now available at <http://localhost:1337>.
Email: <mailto:admin@example.com|admin@example.com>
Password: admin123#
Loading standard query library...
Starting simulated hosts...
Preview environment complete. Enjoy using Fleet!
Invalid interpolation format seems like a Docker issue. This command pulls down https://github.com/fleetdm/osquery-in-a-box and combines the docker compose files there to start up all the dependencies and the local environment. Seems odd to me that there isn't a
declaration in https://github.com/fleetdm/osquery-in-a-box/blob/master/docker-compose.yml which I suspect might be an issue for the version of compose you are running.
If possible, can you try upgrading docker-compose? If you still get issues, we might need to pin a version to that compose file. Hope that helps.
Hey Benjamin -- I'll give that a go today (this morning EST) and let you know.
That did the trick!
For some unknown reason, I had to manually remove my docker-compose and then manually reinstall the 1.29.2 version
Glad I could help