Hi! I ran into live queries issues after 4.2.2 upd...
# fleet
Hi! I ran into live queries issues after 4.2.2 update. When I try to make requests in UI fleet, they hang for a long time and the result does not appear ( With fleetctl, requests are executed every other time). I have similar issues after update to 3.12 https://osquery.slack.com/archives/C01DXJL16D8/p1622552140131300 P.S. the results of all queries from packs are executed and accepted on the server in the file osquery_results. And then they are loaded into Elastic. I have only problems with live queries from fleet UI and fleetctl.
Hi Artem, this sounds like possibly https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet/issues/1751? We'll be cutting a patch release for it today.
ty 1
Similar issues in 3.12 seem unrelated. 4.2.0 would be the latest version unaffected by this issue.
We've released 4.2.3 and it's now available in the usual places! Please let us know if this resolves your issue.
Thank you @zwass, after update I have no problems)
My previous version Fleet before update was 4.2.3