hi all, I’m having issues with fleetctl. Following...
# fleet
hi all, I’m having issues with fleetctl. Following the docs (after the correct setup of fleetctl with my existing fleet server) I am not able to apply multiple queries in a single file (I’m using version 3.11.0, and fleetctl is the windows version). My queries.yml file is this:
Copy code
apiVersion: v1
kind: query
  name: osquery_schedule
  description: Report performance stats for each file in the query schedule.
  query: select name, interval, executions, output_size, wall_time, (user_time/executions) as avg_user_time, (system_time/executions) as avg_system_time, average_memory, last_executed from osquery_schedule;
apiVersion: v1
kind: query
  name: osquery_info
  description: A heartbeat counter that reports general performance (CPU, memory) and version.
  query: select i.*, p.resident_size, p.user_time, p.system_time, time.minutes as counter from osquery_info i, processes p, time where p.pid = i.pid;
apiVersion: v1
kind: query
  name: osquery_events
  description: Report event publisher health and track event counters.
  query: select name, publisher, type, subscriptions, events, active from osquery_events;
using the command:
fleetctl.exe apply -f queries.yml
it applies only the first query (osquery_schedule) but not the others. Am I doing something wrong?
Hi Bacarus, you can try adding the
flag to your command to dig deeper into what might be going wrong and share what you find with the channel