fleetctl login Log in using the standard Fleet cre...
# fleet
fleetctl login Log in using the standard Fleet credentials. Email: XXXXXXXXX Password: The Fleet instance is not set up yet then in trying to redo setup i get this Password: Confirm Password: Fleet has already been setup
is the fleetctl version the same as the server?
$ fleetctl --version fleetctl - version 4.0.1 branch: HEAD revision: fed68fcb62b1fc79f2edc03056e28b5122a8ae2b build date: 2021-07-01 build user: runner go version: go1.16.5
that error happens when the server returns a 404 in the login route, so either you're running a previous version of the server, or there's something in there not running or working as expected
$ /usr/local/bin/fleet version fleet version 3.6.0
should the fleet server and fleetctl version be identical?
looks like im using a newer fleet
they should be as close as possible, specially over major releases, patch or minor will probably work
ok ill downgrade fleetctl and give a try
👍 1