Any idea why I get no column `data` for this query...
# general
Any idea why I get no column
for this query:
Copy code
SELECT l.port, group_concat(DISTINCT l.port) AS 'data'
FROM listening_ports AS l
WHERE l.address != ""
I also see only one port, exptected 2 ports
message has been deleted
fwiw I get a bunch of results:
Copy code
osquery> SELECT l.port, group_concat(DISTINCT l.port) AS 'data'
    ...> FROM listening_ports AS l
    ...> WHERE l.address != ""
    ...> ;
| port | data                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |
| 0    | 0,8021,137,138,49154,49155,49156,49157,49158,49159,49160,49161,49162,49163,57088,5353,56647,3722,7000,5000,55285,7579,16587,62912,60499,60538,59334,3308,8412,7003,7002,6379,3307,7004,7005,9000,9001,1025,8025,3306,7001,7006,9080,9090,9443,4566,4571,1337,57621,50853,1900,60351,56723,49738,631 |
Looks like it is a defect in the osquerybeat approach specifically. It relies on the column datatype to attempt to convert the resulting data from string into concrete type. In this case it gets BIGINT as a data type but the value itself is a string of comma separated numbers that can’t be parses into one number
Copy code
BEFORE RESOLVE TYPES: HITS: []map[string]string{map[string]string{"data":"0,22,137,138,49154,49155,49156,49157,49158,49159,49160,49161,49162,49163,54923,5353,705,984,1023,1022,2049,623,849,1021,1019,111,962,1015,1017,1012,726,688,813,999,996,7000,5000,52547,53846,56430,50635,58907,50055", "port":"0"}}, COLTYPES: map[string]string{"data":"BIGINT", "port":"INTEGER"}
The value is discarded if it can’t be converted in the current implementation. Fixing osquerybeat to keep the field as is even if it can’t be converted would be a solution. Will address that.
@zwass don’t know what is involved on osqueryd side. should osquery report a string/text data type for that column that is returned from the
It’s possibly a defect in osquery. For example for this query
Copy code
SELECT cast(pid as text) text_pid from osquery_info
The column type is returned as TEXT
Copy code
BEFORE RESOLVE TYPES: HITS: []map[string]string{map[string]string{"text_pid":"5551"}}, COLTYPES: map[string]string{"text_pid":"TEXT"}
Should the osquery for the query above with
return TEXT as a type instead of BIGINT?
the workaround for this defect for now
Copy code
SELECT cast(group_concat(DISTINCT port) as text) as data FROM listening_ports
in this case the field type is returned as TEXT from osquery