Fleet v. 3.12.1 When I navigate to Queries -->...
# fleet
Fleet v. 3.12.1 When I navigate to Queries --> Create New Queries And then I try to select a host to run the query against, the
Select Targets
is never filled with the host I am selecting.... Tried it on FF & Chrome, same issue. May be related / fixed with this? https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet/issues/993
Hi @defensivedepth . When the
Select Targets
dropdown isn’t filled, do you see any errors in your browser’s console or any failed requests in the network tab?
no, that was the first thing I checked
💯 1
I was going to update to .13 and see if I still have the issue
Sounds good 👍
derp Im already on 3.13.0, was looking at a version number for something else lol
@Noah Talerman here is a screencap of what I am seeing. As you can see, I am clicking on the hosts to add them, but nothing is happening. https://www.screencast.com/t/n1FialYva We are using a server_url_prefix: https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet/blob/main/docs/2-Deploying/2-Configuration.md#server_url_prefix
Aha, this is a known UI issue that will be resolved in this week’s release of Fleet 4.0.0. Linking to the issue here: https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet/issues/862 I believe if you select the empty space where the “+” icon should be visible (the right side of each host in the list) you should still be able to successfully add the host.
👍 1