Hello, I need an information about the fleet sourc...
# fleet
Hello, I need an information about the fleet source code. The up and down functions are executed in parallel or the sequence is guaranteed? Simple example to check if I’ve understood well: I’ve 2 migrations: 20210605_migration1 and 20210607_migration2 first up function of migration1 is called and, once migration1 is completed, up function of migration2 will be called. down functions are executed in reverse order so: first down function of migration2 and, once is completed, down function of migration 1 will be called is this correct? Thank you for your patience
The up and down functions are executed in parallel or the sequence is guaranteed?
Hi @Bacarus, great question. I don’t immediately have an answer for this question. Working on getting you an answer today.
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Thank you Noah, Take your time, it is not urgent
Down migrations are not supported. They are typically left empty as Fleet has never exposed a command for actually running down migrations.
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