Is it possible to maybe add whatever hostname/ip i...
# fleet
Is it possible to maybe add whatever hostname/ip is specified as the Fleet App URL as a SAN on the fleet.pem that's generated when using fleet preview?
Hi @Heather, I don’t immediately know the answer to your question. What are you trying to achieve with Fleet preview?
I'd like to be able to test with external users using orbit built with a self signed cert - obviously then having the SAN's localhost, docker.internal (?), and is not useful.
test with external users
Ok I think I got it. Are you attempting to try Fleet by managing external devices (users) using the fleet preview environment? Orbit is still a bit over my head, so I’m going to phone in @zwass to help out on this use case.
fleetctl preview
doesn't actually generate a certificate... It just uses the existing self-signed cert with those SANs. It's all optimized for the quickest possible set up of a preview environment running locally.
is what the Dockerized osquery containers use to connect, hence that SAN. The easiest way to expose the preview environment to external hosts would be to use something like ngrok (, the free version works fine to serve a local port over a public IP with a legit SSL cert. You could also replace the configuration in
with your own certificate and whatever arguments you'd like to run the server with, then use
to start everything up as needed.