Hi, can I disable password-based authentication on...
# fleet
Hi, can I disable password-based authentication on the FleetDM UI? I'd like to enforce my admins to login only via SAML, not via password.
Hi, there is no option in the Fleet UI for disabling password-based authentication. However, I believe users (and admin users) that have SAML SSO turned on in Fleet will not be able to log in via password-based authentication. With SAML SSO enabled, the login UI still displays the “Username” and “Password” fields but on attempted password-based login, this user should receive an “Authentication failed” message. Please let me know if you’re observing a different behavior.
I can confirm this behavior, thanks.
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Thank you for confirming. It’s confusing that the Fleet UI provides no indication that password-based authentication is actually disabled for SAML users. I’ve filed an issue here as a future improve to this experience in Fleet: https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet/issues/725
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