Fleet fam, do we have dark mode? :sweat_smile: Sa...
# fleet
Fleet fam, do we have dark mode? šŸ˜… Saw something about "dark mode compatible logos" but didn't see anything in the docs.
Currently, the Fleet UI doesnā€™t have ā€œdark mode.ā€ Please feel free to file a GitHub issue in the fleetdm/fleet repo. Right now, the Fleet team canā€™t provide an estimate on when the request will be addressed. However, with the GitHub issue weā€™ll have it tracked :)
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Just came here to ask the same, sad to see that https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet/issues/665 has had no traction and seems to be abandoned a year ago.
Fleet team hasnā€™t prioritized dark mode just yet. Hereā€™s some concept art tho: https://www.figma.com/file/qbjRu8jf01BzEfdcge1dgu/Fleet-style-guide-2022-(WIP)?node-id=150%3A15822&t=2ywqsL1XTrjO40WJ-0