Are there any plans to add DNS requests monitoring...
# general
Are there any plans to add DNS requests monitoring table for Linux ?
Not much so far other than a couple of experiments 1. hooking getaddrinfo with bpf: 2. hooking into systemd-resolved, also with bpf: (method found by @Artemis Tosini)
@alessandrogario Thanks alot. Where can I get code for first example ? Do you know why it wasn't adopted, that's a huge deal for DAG domains and known malware C2 detection
I never upstreamed these changes to osquery, because DNS monitoring is complex
In the first example, I'm hooking the glibc .so on disk; if a program is not using that library on disk then it won't trigger our probes. Example: other binaries within a container, golang programs (they don't use glibc), etc
In the second example, I'm hooking into the systemd DNS service; any program that will not use it will not trigger any event
Understood, yeah malware might never use these
Additionally, any program that does not use DNS primitives we are hooking into and connect directly to a DNS server will also bypass it
BTW is it possible to implement this using libpcap ?
Well not necessarely, for example a dropper could reference those
Yes, I have built something with that in our extensions repository
However, that will not cover DNS over HTTPS and it's kind of just test code at this point
I thought about something as simple as possible and not so obvious to bypass
Is it still compatible to modern osquery ?
In summary: 1. I think we could have a dns events table that attempts to trace multiple sources. One source could catch something that another one can't 2. DNS over HTTPS: the only hope is to trace the runtime but we are subject to the usual problems (a binary could not be using that specific code) 3. Packet inspection (at this level) is not great, those libraries really are not that much tested (PcapPlusPlus). TCP reassembly is hard and needs to be erwritten from scratch in a secure way
A mix could be made to replace libpcap with BPF, but the performance implications need to be checked
(yes the extension should work fine with the latest osquery)
IMO this network_monitor of yours looks very promising, it definitely should cover droppers, rather simple malware, and hopefully dangerous ones on bootstrap stage
I've been looking into alternatives ever since the network_monitor extension, but never really started working on something new (other than those tiny/simple BPF examples)
such table would've been super useful in detection of DGA domains
Thanks alot
It is marked as experimental as we don't fully trust the third party code we are using; while it drops the privileges, the packet parser is still processing unstrusted input from the network
It was also not updated in a while and there may be updates and security fixes in the libraries that it uses
Thank. How do you think, are there any chances of implementing this table in future? Because although I see huge benefits in this, I don't know if anyone else is interested
my personal opinion is that it should use a different approach; i don't know if anyone is going to implement in the future
I occasionally look at these problems again in the future, but it's really mostly a spare time project at this point
understood thanks alot for your time and efforts
My last project is this one: If you happen to be using bpf_process_events, this replacement is way faster and uses significantly less CPU and memory
I may extend this PR in the future to include network events too (which, compared to the bpf_socket_events we have right now, will always have both local ip:port and remote ip:port for all events)
(also, it is more reliable in how binary paths are acquired)
I'm heavily relying on bpf_socket_events
So I can replace them with bpf_process_events ?
We could all look at DNS events again, but will only be notes for now and not an ETA for the implementation
socket events are not yet implemented in that PR 😞
So am'I right assuming that I can use bpf_process_events instead of bpf_socket_events, to get remote_address?
No, that PR I linked only implements bpf_process_events_v2, there is no bpf_socket_events_v2 yet
For my purposes I need either SHA256 or remote_address in cases where it's possible
But you'll be able to do the switch to it in the future when sockets events are added to the new implementation
If you happen to try out that PR (packages can be taken from the CI workflow if you are logged in), let me know how it works on your systems
Thanks, I have no CI account, so I'll just wait on this
The GitHub account is enough, I thikn we also have uploaded them in the #ebpf channel
I'm mostly interested in capabilities that enable behavioral analysis. So anything related to procfs, DNS requests monitoring are huge selling points to me 🙂
but it looks that I'm kinda alone in this field
I think it's mostly a matter of funding
Last quick question. Do you know if there's any way to route osquery logs to unix socket without writing your own logger plugin ?
not really sure, you could ask in #linux
You’re not totally alone, but somewhat it feels hard to get that data in a way that fits with osquery. When pcap has come up in the past, the PRs have generally felt insecure — they did stream reconstruction in privileged osquery space. They forced the NIC into promiscuous mode. Etc. Alessandro’s BPF work is good, and I would point at him as the expert here.
Would there be any issue from the TSC regarding in-core DNS monitoring functionality?
Last quick question. Do you know if there’s any way to route osquery logs to unix socket without writing your own logger plugin ?
Not sure. Does it work if you point the logger path at the socket, or is it fussy about it not being a plain file? Otherwise, probably plugin terratory. Wouldn’t be a hard one though
I already wrote a plugin and it works, so I'm just checking if it was necessary
Would there be any issue from the TSC regarding in-core DNS monitoring functionality?
I mean, what do you think? 😄 My initial feeling is that it might be okay, but we should think about how to disable it. The biggest issue with that old ja3 plugin was that it felt insolvably insecure, not that we were opposed theoretically.
that was relevant for pcap based functionality as I understood
Now as I understood bpf looks much more promising
To me this looks like invaluable tool to enable DGA generated domains detection, '***.onion' domains detection and overall known malware c2 points detection.
but not sure how broad is a target audience for such feature
Yeah i don't think we should use packet capture, it's too much of a problem - we would have to come up with a BPF solution for it
or rather: packet capture is not bad per se, but some of the libraries we would hve to use to correctly parse the data are