Hi, I am trying to move my fleet instance from ec2...
# fleet
Hi, I am trying to move my fleet instance from ec2 to k8s. I have an up and running cluster. I tried
to dump the data from old DB to new one but when i try to access new fleet instance I get a 500 error for what looks like for all the api endpoints.
If you click one of those requests are there any more details about the error in the response body?
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  "message": "Unknown Error",
  "errors": [
      "name": "base",
      "reason": "list hosts: missing destination name primary_ip in *[]*kolide.Host"
could it be that some new fields were added to the DB? My current fleetctl version (on ec2) is 3.0.0
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fleetctl - version 3.0.0
  branch: 	master
  revision: 	0058d459022df132df36556c40c342958639501c
  build date: 	2020-07-23T17:05:21Z
  build user: 	zwass
  go version: 	go1.14.4
So I was using the wrong image version in my deployment.yml changed it to 3.0.0 and the 500 error went away. Thanks for the clue @zwass
but I am now getting a different when I try to run live query using the new fleet server,
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Live query disabled due to error: reading from redis: dial tcp: lookup fleet-cache-redis on no such host
I suspect more such errors since dumping the data using mysqldump was probably not a clean way of migrating. I am also getting an error while inviting a new admin user.
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  "message": "Unknown Error",
  "errors": [
      "name": "base",
      "reason": "client auth error: 535 5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted. Learn more at\n5.7.8  <https://support.google.com/mail/?p=BadCredentials> s1sm1243779pjo.36 - gsmtp"
dial tcp: lookup fleet-cache-redis on no such host
You'll have to check your config and make sure Fleet can actually connect to Redis on that host and port.
👍 1
Your email error doesn't seem like something that would be related to the upgrade. Was email working previously? I'd take a look at the google support info and figure out how to provide the correct credentials.
You are right, the email config is broken on the older instance as well. I will check the redis part and see if that works
Thanks zwass