Is there a way to create a filter for machines tha...
# general
Is there a way to create a filter for machines that do not have a specific file present?
What do you mean “filter”? Is this a question about a server feature? Which feature?
Filter/query. I want to create a query that returns machines that are missing a specific file. I can find machines with the file easily enough, but the opposite stumps me. 🙂
I can find machines with the file easily enough, but the opposite stumps me
Can you share this query? I think the inverse of this is possible with some sql magic..
SELECT 1 from file where path = '/path/to/file'
works well enough for finding the file. 🙂
something like this:
Copy code
osquery> select exists(select 1 from file where path = '/tmp/test');
| exists(select 1 from file where path = '/tmp/test') |
| 1                                                   |
osquery> select exists(select 1 from file where path = '/tmp/foo');
| exists(select 1 from file where path = '/tmp/foo') |
| 0                                                  |
exists/not exists
and subqueries, you can get as fancy as required
Ah, brilliant!
I mean, horrific, but brilliant. 🙂
You can left join against time, instead of using sub selects.
You can left join against time, instead of using sub selects.
Ah, nice TIL -- do you know of an example for this?
I mean, horrific, but brilliant. 🙂
wait, why @Terje Kvernes.? genuinely curious (I use this pattern every now and then, and wondering if it could be improved)
It feels like we’re abusing subselects (or joins), but in reality this is what they do. 🙂
Ah, okay…in this instance you can also do a
I guess if one wants to avoid joins/subqueries:
Copy code
osquery> select count(*) from file where path = '/tmp/exists';
| count(*) |
| 1        |
osquery> select count(*) from file where path = '/tmp/not_exists';
| count(*) |
| 0        |
doh I’ll go hide in the corner of SQL shame.
abusing subselects (or joins)
It’s worth thinking through what that means, and what’s good or bad. There are lots of ways to do things, and some fit circumstances better than others. I, personally, tend to avoid subselects, because it can cause additional “table scans” which translate to API hits. Mostly NBD, but some tables are slow. Joins don’t have that problem, but are usually a bit harder to write. Whether any of this matters depends a lot on the details
Despite looking like a database, osquery isn’t one. So there’s a lot of weirdness around query planning and execution.
How would you use “left join against time” to emulate
select not exists(select 1 from file where path = '/tmp/foo');
I clearly need to retake some SQL courses, the last one I took was in 2003. I feel old. 🙂
Play with
with _f AS (select * from file where path = '/tmp/nope') select * from time left join _f;
cross join might be easier. Depends on the humans reading it