I am running into an issue and I am not sure where...
# fleet
I am running into an issue and I am not sure where to start looking and in which log files. I have a query that runs fine on individual machines and ran fine across almost 1500 machines last night, but is getting a few hosts in (12, 21, and 5) and then the query hangs and you get nothing. We have let it run for 15+ minutes, where last night it finished in about 7 total with the last 3 or 4 minutes results dribbling in. My gut says something is hanging, and I am not sure if it is on the fleet server, or one of the clients causing issues.
Are you able to identify those hosts and run osquery with
--verbose --tls_dump
to check whether they receive the query from Fleet? Will they respond to other queries?
Thing is I am not sure which hosts are being targeted when it hangs. I am targeting the macOS label and have about 1545 hosts online atm.
I tried this from both fleet servers behind our load balancer, and from a dedicated admin console that is not getting host check ins, but is part of the same instance (same db/redis setup)
How does a
select 1
live query work against that same set of hosts?
seems to be the same. I got 7 responses in the first few seconds and then nothing.
Targeted towards the 'All Hosts' label? How many hosts are online?
to the built in macOS label
1584 hosts.
If you've only got about 7 responding, can you pick one of the nonresponders and get a shell on that box where you'll be able to run
--verbose --tls_dump
for osquery?
Thing is if I scope it to one of the machines that hasn’t responded it works just fine. My mac is not responding to that, but if I run it directly to mine it works.
It feels like something is blocking the progress.
Moved to DM’s.