Hey Team, I see a file called secret orbit not key...
# fleet
Hey Team, I see a file called secret orbit not key in my folder and it is not secure. End user can access it and i wanted to check what is that used for. secret file has the key to communicate to the fleet server. but not sure about secret-orbit-not-key
also what is the function of orbit in the whole fleet osquery package 🙂
Hey @Ojas! Orbit is what installs, configures and updates osquery and Fleet Desktop. The node key is how Orbit authenticates with Fleet.
@Kathy Satterlee so shouldnt it be secured? like should the end user be able to open read/edit it? Also if this is what is used for comminicating to fleet then what is secrets file used for, that has the key in it passed from fleet server as well
@Kathy Satterlee 🫣