Hello, why is it that my online query on Fleet UI ...
# fleet
Hello, why is it that my online query on Fleet UI is not the same as my differential query?I ran a query on Fleet UI every half an hour and found no change, while using a differential query generated logs every half an hour
Is it definitely a differential query? If you are getting the same log every time the query runs maybe it is set for
snapshot: true
Hello, I set the difference query
All the query statements are differential queries, because I want to use osquery for intrusion detection.So it is every half an hour to check the host for abnormal processes and ports and so on
This is the
General indicators
pack we are looking at?
Yes, that's the overall metric we're looking at
Can you run
--verbose --tls_dump
on the host and double-check that Fleet is not sending
"snapshot": true
for that query?
OK, I will save the result and reply to you
Hello, this is my result