so im trying to figure out why my fleet instance i...
# fleet
so im trying to figure out why my fleet instance isnt logging to files anymore, could the change to root-less have broken righting them to /var/log/osquery in the container?
Yes, likely related. I don't think we realized that this might not be a a seamless transition for many users. Are you able to resolve the issue knowing that is the likely cause?
would the host dir mess with this right now the container dir is mapped to a dir in opt
I'm having trouble parsing your message
Can you try to clarify?
yeah so ive tried a few different container paths for the log file, like /home/fleet and /tmp but i get the same error
so im wondering if the fact that the host path its mapped to is in opt could be causing issues
I see
Not 100% on this but I think it will have the same permissions in the container
So that's probably a "yes"
ok ill try throwing in in tmp to see what happens
👍 1
ok i think i got it
let me see if im right
ok got it
i just had to do chmod 100:101 on the logs folder
🍻 1