Hi guys, i have noticed that i cant navigate using...
# fleet
Hi guys, i have noticed that i cant navigate using the dropdown box on the right in the "packs" screen. While i can select the query, the info does not get loaded into the panel. Im using fleet 3.5.1, just confirming if this is a known bug or i can open a bug in the github if you want?
@Juan Alvarez I'm not sure I understand. In the screenshot I see you've got the query highlighted on the left and the details are loaded into the right.
i think the screenshot is not very descriptive sorry 😄 That is actually the info of a query i selected before clicking on the grid. The selected one is the first in the grid, and should have an interval of 21600
let me see if i can capture some motion 😄
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That would help, thank you.
Hi Juan. When you have a query actively selected in the table (like you do for
) you’re locked into editing that specific query in the right side panel. I think the dropdown panel should be disabled in this state (it’s not) because selecting a different query from the dropdown won’t change which query you’re actually editing. Here you’re still editing
because it’s actively selected and NOT
If this^ is the case there should be an issue opened in GitHub 👍
lets see if this illustrates better
changing the dropdown does not seem to bring anything, just selecting in the table seems to do the trick
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changing the dropdown does not seem to bring anything
Thanks for the video. I believe we’re on the same page that this isn’t the intended behavior. Do you mind opening an issue in the GitHub repo?
sure thing
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For the record in case somebody ends up here looking for this issue: https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet/issues/230 🙂
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