Hello, Fleet.I didn't have any certificates when I...
# fleet
Hello, Fleet.I didn't have any certificates when I deployed Fleet. How can I use the generated certificates when I deploy a new set?
You probably need to go into the settings page and make sure the app URL matches what you are using to connect in the browser.
But if that doesn't work out, the same certificate file you are passing to Fleet should work to pass to osquery.
Could you please tell me where the configuration page you mentioned is?Is this it?
Yes, that's the one. Looks like you have it configured correctly there
Yes, I feel it's configured on my side, but it still doesn't work😢
What else can I check for?These are my configuration and fleet status
As a workaround, just use the same
with your osquery clients as you are passing to the server.
Do you get any error in the network inspector on your browser when you open that modal with the rror?
So the network case over here is going to return 500
Thank you. We have solved it😀
What was the solution?
Because nginx did not parse internally, it was unable to communicate. I will parse internally nginx and it will be fine
👍 1