Question about configuring FleetDM for Docker, spe...
# fleet
Question about configuring FleetDM for Docker, specifically using Docker Swarm. The documentation for configuring the binary states
accepts a string but is it possible to provide a path to a file that contains the password, say to a Docker secret:
? I assume the answer is it’s not supported currently but I wanted to ask.
Is it possible to get the secret into env vars? This is how secrets are handled by most systems I've deployed on.
I was hoping to avoid storing secrets in environment variables because it’s not best practice from a security standpoint
When we built Fleet we were trying to model after 12factor ( If there's updated guidance on best practices I am open.
This blog post suggests that the recommendations by 12factor for storing secrets in env vars is not best practice from a security standpoint. One potential solution I am thinking of is when generating the MySQL connection string check if the value in
is a valid file on disk, if so read the contents, if not treat it as is. Thoughts on this approach?