What's a good way to filter the results? They seem...
# fleet
What's a good way to filter the results? They seem sometime not to be working, seems like it goes to some state and then never recovers until you run the query again
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Is this an issue with a specific query you are running or field you are trying to filter by? Can you check the browser console to see if there are any errors. What browser are you using?
No, its with all the queries and all the columns. No errors in the console. Browser is chrome (latest). Fleet is also latest, didn't try in other browsers yet. Weird that it's just me.
The other times when it does work, it kind of also includes "approximate" matches, which although doesn't seem what i would expect from a filter, its still okay as in the picture below. At other times, for example, if I delete few characters and re-write those characters, it would give weirdly different result as in the original image. Disabled uBlock to see if that's causing the issue - nope.
I'll check in with the team to see if we can reproduce on our end.
@Manish We have been unable to reproduce this issue. Would you please let us know the exact query you are running and what type of hosts (platform) you are targeting? That will help us dig in a bit deeper. Thanks!
@Luke Heath I have recorded the filtering process I am following in the 7 min screencast below
ty 1
Thank you for the video, Manish! Very helpful. Filtering is definitely not working as intended in your video. We are continuing to look into this today. I will update you in this thread as soon as we have an update.
@Manish I'm going to open a bug report for this issue. Would you please let me know the following for the bug report? ā€¢ What version of Fleet you are using ā€¢ What platform (looks like Windows?) ā€¢ What browser Thanks again for helping us improve Fleet!
@Luke Heath Fleet 4.8.0 , fleet server on linux, fleet osquery agents are on Windows mostly, browsing on Chrome 99.* on my mac.
@Manish Ah, that might be why we can't reproduce. We rebuilt the live query results table in 4.9.0 and have made several improvement since then. Are you able to upgrade to the latest version 4.11.0?
The live query results table was completely rebuilt and uses a new table component. I think you will find it much easier to use.
Ah okay, then upgrade should do it.
@Manish šŸ‘ Please let me know if you are still experiencing issues after the upgrade.