I don't suppose it's possible to use the fleetctl ...
# fleet
I don't suppose it's possible to use the fleetctl CLI with an api-only user?
I'm trying to write an automated backup solution that performs a few
fleetctl get ...
Hey Scott, API-only users do have permissions to run
commands. API-only users do not have permissions to access the Fleet UI.
So I'm running into issues logging in with one. I used the API /login endpoint and grabbed the token. I then do
fleetctl config set --token
and it complains that I need to login.
I feel like I'm missing a step, but I'm not sure where.
The documentation is a bit lacking in this area.
then do
fleetctl config set --token
and it complains that I need to login.
This is unexpected. Sorry that you’re experiencing this issue. If you’re able to, can you please include the
fleetctl config
command you ran and the output in this thread (withholding any tokens/credentials) ? This way the Fleet team can attempt to reproduce the issue.
The documentation is a bit lacking in this area.
Agreed. I filed an issue to improve the docs here: https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet/issues/4533
As a current workaround, you can run the
fleetctl login
command and enter the “API-only” user’s credentials when prompted. Then, after successful login, you can run
fleetctl get
Thank you. I'm in a meeting right now, but I will get that info to you when I can.
ty 1
Okay, while grabbing logs, I noticed that
. I figure that's why the session is invalid. I just deleted and re-created my api-only user and that flag is still true.
That was definitely it. You can create a user in the API with that flag set to false, but not via CLI.
It is now working as expected; setting the token is all that is necessary to obtain a session.
🙌 1
Glad you were successful!
I noticed that
Ah, got it. This is not an ideal experience when creating an “API-only” user via CLI because, currently, the only way to trigger this password reset (and set
is by logging in via the UI.
No it's not. I would think that would default to false for api-only. It should also be configurable via CLI like it is via API. I plan to create an issue on it when I get a minute.
ty 3
thanks for the help today @Noah Talerman.
🍻 1
Thank you for filing the issue :)