has anyone built a CIS benchmark pack for fleet?
# fleet
has anyone built a CIS benchmark pack for fleet?
It's being planned for Q3 cc @Guillaume
🦜 4
🎖️ 1
how is this working @zwass @Guillaume?
Hi @CyberUnify! Starting in about 2 weeks you should start seeing queries in our public library for this. What we will do will likely be picking the most important/impactfucl parts of CIS, so don’t expect coverage of the entire set but rather the best parts, starting with macOS
And when I say “starting in about 2 weeks” - I don’t mind they will all drop at once but they will start to get added 🙂 if you have specific things you care about feel free to let me know here so I can prioritize them
Thank you for updates! I consider most important to be the CIS coverage for Windows Server suite
@CyberUnify windows was pretty easy to implement at my last company because most of it was reg queries. you should be able to that easily. MacOS I found harder because of all the crazy plists and non standard ways to validate.
@Brandon Helms yes, but there are still 70 policy rules that cannot be checked automatically by registry keys
@CyberUnify I think when we did it we weren't able to build queries for about 200 policy rules.... but I believe we had over 1200 rules for Windows 10