Hi all, I am seeing some instances of `Failed to r...
# macos
Hi all, I am seeing some instances of
Failed to read the following manifest.json file
for files that do not exist. Is this a known issue or something easily resolved?
That’s coming from the chrome_extensions table, right? Is there more info? What extension is references it?
This is starting to get into chrome internals… Extensions are stored on disk, with a manifest.json file. Except when they’re not. 🤷
I'm seeing it as well, let me see if I can dig out a sanitized example/.cpp message that gets sent in status output..
whoops, 1.7k messages a day that start with "Failed"
Copy code
Failed to process the localization settngs for the following extension
Copy code
Failed to read the following manifest.json file
Failed to localize string '__MSG_appAuthor' in the following extension:
Correlation != causation, but in the small slice I'm looking at Opera and Brave browsers seem over-represented
It is this, I am just confused as the "Failed to read the following manifest.json" is because the file does not exist on the drive.