hey channel. It's been a while. just downloaded 4....
# macos
hey channel. It's been a while. just downloaded 4.3.0 for MacOS, but seeing this weird error:
Copy code
~  sudo /usr/local/bin/osqueryctl start                                                                                                       14:33:35 
/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.facebook.osqueryd.plist: service already loaded
Load failed: 37: Operation already in progress
 ~  sudo /usr/local/bin/osqueryctl stop
 ~  sudo /usr/local/bin/osqueryctl start                                                                                                      14:33:45 
 ~  sudo /usr/local/bin/osqueryctl status                                                                                                      14:33:49 
com.facebook.osqueryd is not running
is there an osqueryd process running?
I’m unsure why this is happened, but if you use launchctl directly, does it tell you anything?
Hey teddy 🙂 thanks for replying. osqueryd is not running. that being said..After deleting and reinstalling...the problem went away....