Hi guys, i was trying to understand what is the st...
# macos
Hi guys, i was trying to understand what is the status of the
table. I understand it is deprecated since 10.12 but i still can query it and get data when i try in a 10.14 endpoint. But, is that data reliable? or will I be missing events? Should i be looking at using the trail of bits extension for the time being?
This is really an apple thing. Apple deprecated it. As far as I know it still works.
so do you think all system logs are still going to the ASL?
I don’t know the answer to that
I’d suggest finding apple docs. I’ve love to know what you find
Juan I would definitely not rely on
table and would instead use ToB's Unified Log extension.
Thanks guys for your answers. I have been looking in the apple developer docs, but the ASL seems to be completely gone, just a small note saying that it is superseded by OSLog. We'll consider the extension or maybe wait for the native API. Thanks!