We are facing issue on MAC with OSQuery agent 4.x,...
# macos
We are facing issue on MAC with OSQuery agent 4.x, It is not returning any values for cmdline. I saw a open issue for windows, where windows agent is not able to grasp cmdline from PPL. Is this issue exists in MAC agent too? could please let me know the root cause of this issue Is there any workaround to fix this issue?
Copy code
osquery> select pid, name, start_time, cmdline from processes Limit 15;
| pid | name           | start_time | cmdline |
| 0   | kernel_task    | 1584971117 |         |
| 1   | launchd        | 1584971117 |         |
| 42  | syslogd        | 1584971127 |         |
| 43  | UserEventAgent | 1584971127 |         |
| 45  | sh             | 1584971127 |         |
| 47  | uninstalled    | 1584971127 |         |
| 48  | kextd          | 1584971127 |         |
| 49  | fseventsd      | 1584971127 |         |
| 51  | jamf           | 1584971127 |         |
| 52  | vpnagentd      | 1584971127 |         |
| 57  | appleeventsd   | 1584971127 |         |
| 58  | systemstats    | 1584971127 |         |
| 60  | configd        | 1584971127 |         |
| 62  | ciscod         | 1584971127 |         |
| 63  | powerd         | 1584971127 |         |
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