<@U1YQUKL3X> Hmm, no change on unresponsiveness wi...
# macos
@fritz Hmm, no change on unresponsiveness with the new query. It must be something else causing a timeout, maybe? It actually makes sense that maybe the 8 machines that were returning results did so because they hit a symlink loop before timing out. I thought maybe the query was blacklisted as @zwass suggested so I set up an
query and it produced the following (for one of the null-result endpoints):
Copy code
  "@host_identifier": "<redacted>",
  "name": "osquery_schedule",
  "created": "2020-02-07T17:10:23.769858",
  "action": "added",
  "@timestamp": "2020-02-07T17:00:49",
  "@version": 1,
  "log_type": "result",
  "columns": {
    "system_time": "1627",
    "interval": "900",
    "blacklisted": "0",
    "output_size": "",
    "average_memory": "60030",
    "last_executed": "1581094836",
    "avg_user_time": "11",
    "executions": "92",
    "wall_time": "4",
    "query": "WITH mounted_volumes AS (\\x0D\\x0A       SELECT path \\x0D\\x0A       FROM mounts \\x0D\\x0A       LEFT JOIN block_devices ON mounts.device = block_devices.name \\x0D\\x0A       WHERE block_devices.type=\"USB\" AND path LIKE '/Volumes/%')\\x0D\\x0A   SELECT hash.path,\\x0D\\x0A          hash.md5,\\x0D\\x0A          file.filename,\\x0D\\x0A          file.size,\\x0D\\x0A          file.block_size,\\x0D\\x0A          file.type,\\x0D\\x0A          file.uid,\\x0D\\x0A          file.inode\\x0D\\x0A   FROM file\\x0D\\x0A       LEFT JOIN hash USING (path) \\x0D\\x0A   WHERE file.path IN (\\x0D\\x0A      SELECT file.path \\x0D\\x0A      FROM file, mounted_volumes \\x0D\\x0A      WHERE file.path LIKE mounted_volumes.path || '/%' OR file.path LIKE mounted_volumes.path || '/%/%' OR file.path LIKE mounted_volumes.path || '/%/%/%');",
    "avg_system_time": "17",
    "user_time": "1065",
    "name": "files_on_usb"
I also have a far simpler query that just tries to use the
table to get the root of the Downloads folder, and I haven’t received any results for this either:
Copy code
  "@host_identifier": "<redacted>",
  "name": "osquery_schedule",
  "created": "2020-02-07T17:10:23.769858",
  "action": "added",
  "@timestamp": "2020-02-07T17:00:49",
  "@version": 1,
  "log_type": "result",
  "columns": {
    "system_time": "127",
    "interval": "900",
    "blacklisted": "0",
    "output_size": "",
    "average_memory": "87243",
    "last_executed": "1581093928",
    "avg_user_time": "0",
    "executions": "90",
    "wall_time": "1",
    "query": "SELECT path,btime FROM file WHERE path like \"/Users/%/Downloads/%\";",
    "avg_system_time": "1",
    "user_time": "77",
    "name": "downloads_folder"
Are you able to query either of these from osqueryi on those machines or a live query from something like Fleet?
So I get the results as expected when running the query via
. We use Doorman for orchestration. But it seems that with output_size=“” it’s the query that is failing midway
Been meaning to look into it, but I think
may have a bug currently. Do you get a non-null entry from the machines that do return results?
Is it possible that osqueryd is running as a user without sufficient perms?
hmm that occurred to me, but osqueryd gets deployed by Jamf, which should install everything as root:
Copy code
$ ps aux | grep osqueryd
root              8115   0.0  0.1  6029964  43564   ??  SN    5:14PM   0:14.69 /usr/local/bin/osqueryd  
root              8114   0.0  0.0  5955848  10692   ??  SNs   5:14PM   0:01.68 /usr/local/bin/osqueryd --flagfile /private/var/osquery/osquery.flags
as to your other question: looking across my whole fleet it seems to be a binary: either machines store an output_size in their osquery_schedules table, or they don’t. Ooh but this is interesting — all the ones that don’t seem to be the ones that I tagged as a test group for the two queries I’ve been discussing
Is it possible that I’ve broken something while recursing through the filesystem?
@zwass turns out we needed to explicitly allow “Full Disk Access” for osqueryd on Catalina. Seems to have done the trick
@Seán O'Halloran Ah yeah, sorry I didn't think of mentioning that. Catalina changed permissions for most of the
directories. We have explicit instructions for all of our SaaS users to grant the agent extended permissions to address this issue.
Good find. This IIRC is something that can be managed automatically if you have MDM set up.
Yep, we deployed a configuration profile via Jamf that gives osqueryd full permissions
👍 1