Hello :wave: I was wondering if you all might be a...
# general
Hello 👋 I was wondering if you all might be able to tell me if you know when the
pre-release might be done testing and promoted to the latest release. Based on the release process that I read and the previous release dates, it seemed like Tuesday the 19th might be likely?
i’m also curious when
will be released. when this was posted yesterday, i was hoping 5.4.0 would have been released yesterday. now i’m hoping it might be released today?
We generally don’t have a formal process for this.
I’m curious — is this something you can use in beta? How does the transition to stable change that for your site?
Yeah, we can use the beta. I was trying to avoid Ansible changes for our server provisioning which I'll want to revert once the release is out. Thanks for following up.
Ah, that makes sense.
If you don’t mind sharing, how does ansible normally download the packages?
Currently we add the osquery apt repo (pkg.osquery.io) if it doesn't exist and then use apt to ensure the latest is installed. Looking back, I should probably be pinning a specific version and testing on a subset of hosts prior to updating.
Ah. And we don't even ship betas through the apt repo.
Yes, generally speaking you should pin and manage your updates. :)
Yup, exactly. If you did, that would be interesting. Not sure if that's possible
For sure. Live and learn
To be honest, maintain the apt repo is surprisingly expensive. It's a lot of bandwidth
I'll bet!
osquery is awesome. It would be cool if AWS would offset the cost in some way with some credits or something
Anyway, thanks for all the work. Really appreciate it. I'm gonna take off. Cheers!