quick question, I have a query scheduled with diff...
# fleet
quick question, I have a query scheduled with differential every 1 min. The result of the query are "PID, cmdline" but why it sends 1 new log every 60 seconds, shouldn't be the same everytime and only receive the first one ?
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Can you use the REST API to grab the schedule's information and post here with anything you're concerned about sharing redacted?
And, just so I know I've asked, are you looking at your status logs, or result logs?
I look at result logs
I monitor the result logs and it keeps receiving every 60 seconds
I figured, but had to make sure I checked!
this is the config for my schedule.
and this is the query I'm using select ( SELECT pr.parent from process_events as pr where pr.cmdline like "stuff" ) as ppid, pe.cmdline from process_events as pe where pe.pid = ppid limit 1
Just want to be certain we're looking at the right schedule there... It shows a 900 second frequency. Is there any chance you have multiple schedules set up for the same query?
I made it 900 seconds because it was keep sending the same result when I had it 60 seconds. But, no I don't have another schedule for the same query
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Got it. Let me look into this a little bit and I'll get back to you. Since it's a little late in the day, I may not have more information for you until tomorrow.
Sure, thank you.
Hey Tarek, sometimes differential responds with a single add or remove line, can you try Differentials (ignoring removals)?https://osquery.readthedocs.io/en/stable/deployment/logging/#differential-logs
I can try, thank you
Same result. I keep getting result every 1 or 2 minutes depend on how I set up the time. Same log is being sent every 2 minutes. The log has only PID, and cmdLine, nothing else. Not sure how this is treated as a new log every time.
Hmm, what type of information are you trying to receive with running a differential query on an events table?
I'm getting a process id (PID) and cmdLine from it.
so I assume it should be the same PID and same cmdLine every time it runs, and I need to receive only one copy of it, as long as it's the same PID and cmdLine.
If you look at the data in the logs, what kind of changes are you seeing?
don’t apply to evented tables (
) in this case — they behave the same way as snapshot
oh interesting
didn't know that.
so in that case, how long should I have my query scheduled for so the previous event is not returned. In another words, how long does it take for the event to be flushed from the local machine ?
Generally, for
tables, by default events are buffered locally for 24 hours…but that buffered is cleared when selecting from that table..The query you are using above might complicate this a bit, since there is a subquery to the same
and there is a
constraint on the table — can you try to explain what that query is trying to do, maybe there is a better way to structure that query..?
Hello @sharvii thanks for your reply. What I'm trying to do is finding a certain command "cmdLine" and get the parent file that executed this command. Please let me know if there is a better way of doing this. Assume a file called test.sh executed a command called "ifconfig", then I need to get the "test.sh" file by finding the command it executed "ifconfig"