Hi, I installed plgx-esp and have couple of questi...
# eclecticiq-polylogyx-extension
Hi, I installed plgx-esp and have couple of questions: 1. How can we write query result logs in log files and how to view that ? I updated the setting in settings.py POLYLOGYX_LOG_PLUGINS = [ 'polylogyx.plugins.logs.file.LogPlugin' # 'polylogyx.plugins.logs.splunk.SplunkPlugin', #'polylogyx.plugins.logs.rsyslog.RsyslogPlugin' ] POLYLOGYX_LOG_PLUGINS_OBJ = { "file": 'polylogyx.plugins.logs.file.LogPlugin' } but no luck 2. Does plgx-esp update any tabale in postgres SQL database for query results ? 3. Rsyslog conatiner is restarting continuously with following error rsyslogd 8.1904.0: running as pid 1, enabling container-specific defaults, press ctl-c to terminate rsyslog rsyslogd: there are no active actions configured. Inputs would run, but no output whatsoever were created. [v8.1904.0 try https://www.rsyslog.com/e/2103 ] rsyslogd: run failed with error -2103 (see rsyslog.h or try https://www.rsyslog.com/e/2103 to learn what that number means)
1. FileLogging is disabled. To enable it add a line in the extension.py(https://github.com/polylogyx/plgx-esp/blob/master/plgx-esp/polylogyx/extensions.py) under LogTee init_app method
after adding rsyslog plugin 2. We do have a table
for storing scheduled query data collected from the endpoints 3. Please configure the
(https://github.com/polylogyx/plgx-esp/blob/master/rSysLogF/rsyslogd.conf) by providing the remote server ip and restart the`rsyslog` container
I am not seeing any entry in result_log table.polylogyx=# select * from result_log polylogyx-#