We have our new extension available..with more tab...
# eclecticiq-polylogyx-extension
We have our new extension available..with more tables..
It would be great if there was an easy way to identify exactly what tables your extension provides
I believe all the tables that start with win_ are the ones we have added. The README contains the details too (from a documentation point of view). I guess an easy way would also be if there was a 'table of tables' that every extension could provide..and could be queried upon..
You can also get the schema at https://polylogyx.com/osquery-extension/README
Search for Schema heading in the Readme
Thanks, that helps. What is it all licensed under?
Josh, if you are looking for only the PolyLogyx extension, you are free to use it up to 5 endpoints. Beyond that we have pricing packages. If you are looking for the end to end platform with our agent management server and response server (using which you can take action on the endpoints manually or automatically), I would suggest you contact me at sridhar@polylogyx.com. We can work out the details and we can send you an eval package.