I see. Those dependencies are the same on the CI s...
# linux
I see. Those dependencies are the same on the CI since they’re specified in the osquery repo, in the CMake code. I think there are some routing issues with their repository, we (Alessandro and me, from Italy) had some issues to download it too in the last week.
fwiw sourceforge 404s for the repo (https://sourceware.org/git/bzip2.git/) this feels like repo that just disappeared rather than routing to me 🙂
Yeah saw that, initially it was still possible to download it from there (it's their official repo!), but with hiccups, now it seems it disappeared, but only the https endpoint, the one using the git protocol works.
oh really, that’s good to know!
do you happen to have the whole git url? I’m having trouble finding it
whoops, here it is