There don't seem to be anyway errors generated by ...
# extensions
There don't seem to be anyway errors generated by the extension. It runs fine on a certain percentage of hosts and on the hosts it unregisters on, it runs fine via osqueryi
If it doesn't respond to heartbeat fast enough, will get removed. Try running osqueryd in verbose mode to view some more debug info.
☝️ 1
Will do. Thanks
By any chance is this the ntfs_metadata extension where you are seeing occasional timeouts?
No, this was separate set of extensions. I think the issue was too many overlapping intervals with a small splay in the test environment. I staggered the intervals a little and increased the splay. That seems to have helped the situation but I still get occasional drops. Wondering if we have too many extension exes. Might need to compile them down into only one or two.
👍 1